ISIS, called to perform attack during Ramadan in the United States ...

. Islamic countries 0 0 years October Date ISIS, called to perform attack during Ramadan in the United States and Europe and the Middle East around Extremist organization Islamic State (IS) spokesman audio message believed to have announced of was published. This voice is the day, which has been published through the channel of IS of the encrypted message app [telegram], during began fasting month of Ramadan period of Islam at the end of the month, the United States, Europe, Russia, Australia, Iraq, Syria, Iran, has called on followers to carry out the attack in the Philippines. Authenticity of the message has not been independently confirmed, but it was the same voice as the same person who originated the voice message previously. Message [Oh, Mosul, lacquer, I lion our Tarruafaru, there blessing of God to shining face and its pure Naru arm. Whether accused the hard-liners and apostates. Europe, it says the United States, Russia, Australia, to the believers of the faith and loyalty that are in other places. Ye of land, the brothers of you are doing well. To model them, he said shalt] take similar action.

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