US, even bombing from the video published drone of IS leaders raid ...

. Islamic countries 0 0 years October Date US, even bombing from the video published drone of IS leaders raid strategy Pentagon 0 days, supreme leader Abu Bakr bug Daddy suspect of extremist organization [Islamic State] (IS) has released a video and photos of the raid strategy was killed. Central Command of the Mackenzie commander that has jurisdiction over the Middle East region was a press conference. Both the video have been shot from the sky. State and the helicopter Bagudadi suspect was close to the building of Syria northwestern Idlib province was hiding to air strikes met with insurgents in the range, such as the state of the US troops to approach the building is reflected. To destroy the building bombing from the drone, there is also a video to increase the black smoke, the commander said that [the building went to securely so as not to be in the Holy Land. Strategy and at the time of Bagudadi suspect, the suspect did not have the video of the scene of the tunnel that ran away. According to the commander, a man who, including the Bagudadi suspects, in addition to the death IS combatants total of human women, they are caught children of the people when the suspect was suicide death.

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