Islamic countries have started from the wrong diplomacy] | Asia | ...

. Islamic countries 0 0 years October Date Islamic countries have started from the wrong diplomacy] News can be seen from the world history Makoto Motegi: sundai preparatory school world history department lecturer Yakukatsuki impact from the Paris of the terrorist attacks that gave to the world. Chain of terror that sparks all over the world, does not have a cease sign. One of the World War II sign from. Or terrorism takes place the day will come to in Japan -. Every day, news of world affairs to be reported are those that only follow the newspaper and TV not fully understand. So popular lecturer of prep school is, we describe the international news from the world history. First of all, the complex Syrian situation and [historical background], Islamic State (IS) the rise of [Why? Answer to]. What IS is exactly, what the fighting? Extremists armed organization of Islamic, IS (Islamic State) is, as centered around the Middle East of Iraq and Syria border, conquered armed a substantial portion of the two countries, since the declaration of the establishment of a new nation, the IS-related in Japan news was widely reported.

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